The detailed project breakdown structure is hereinafter illustrated.
WP1 Project Management & Technical Coordination
WP1 is responsible for the operational and technical management of CLUG 2.0. Its main objective is to establish a flexible and efficient project management structure and processes together with the provision of an effective risk management strategy to avoid deviations from the work plan. The coordinator will stablish a good communication channel with EUSPA to ensure the coordination with the funding entity.
WP2 LOC-OB System Definition & Requirements Specification
The definition of the user needs, operational context, initial assumptions, system boundary and requirements are the main goals of the WP2. The outcomes of WP2 activity will include:
  • Operational needs of IM and RU and system capabilities to be fulfilled by absolute safe train positioning.
  • Operational scenarios including nominal and degraded scenarios with regards to Start of Mission and track selectivity.
  • System context, architecture and functions, as well as system boundaries of a LOC-OB system.
  • LOC-OB System requirements including functional and non-functional requirements, including requirements for SoM and Track Selectivity
WP3 RAMS Analysis

The main objective of this work package is to specify and demonstrate the safety targets for the CLUG LOC-OB. The work performed in this work package is based on the previous analysis performed by the EUG-LWG, as well as the work of the CLUG project and of the OCORA project and will be conducted with respect to Common Safety Methods and CENELEC standards.

More specifically, theobjectives can be summarized as follows:

  • To specify the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) requirements in line with the overall SIL4 criteria of a railway embedded system to obtain a certifiable CLUG Localisation On-Board (LOC-OB) System.
  • To demonstrate that the CLUG LOC-OB functional system architecture and interfaces are in line with the specified safety targets.
  • To consolidate the remaining work to be performed to obtain a certifiable localisation unit in the future.
WP4 Design & Development

WP4 is responsible for the design and development activities of the safe functional architecture of the LOC-OB (Localisation On-Board the train).

The CLUG 2.0 consortium focus on addressing the LOC-OB critical functions to demonstrate this functional architecture to be the most adapted for train localisation in ERTMS level 2 preparing level 3. Thus WP4 is fostering post-processing tests by prototyped functions with real data. Thanks to the maturity of the sensors and of the along track fusion algorithm offered by the CLUG project, the CLUG 2.0 project particularly focuses on the Track Selectivity function and on the safety functions that include sensors and system data FDE algorithms, Confidence Intervals and integrity data computation.

WP4 is structured in 3 parts:
  1. LOC-OB system and functions definition and development of prototype algorithms; 
  2. LOC-OB safety performance engineering: assessment of the integrity availability to provide compliant outputs in terms of accuracy and Safety Integrity Level (SIL);
  3. EGNOS services data generation means to enable prototyping tests in WP5 with different EGNOS services (current and future).
WP5 Integration & Testing (including Site Demonstrator)
The main objectives of WP5 are to collect, process and analyse data, including:
  • Collection of field data from various sensors installed on a test train in Switzerland, using the installation developed in the frame of the CLUG project, but with upgrades
  • Collection of map data from the network, on which the train operates
  • Generation of standardised raw data, map data and ground truth data from the collected field data
  • Fusion of that standardised raw data, using the test system developed in the frame of the CLUG project, but using upgraded, as well as newly developed algorithms provided by WP4, to generate speed, position and other output data, including safe confidence intervals
  • Design and development of a site demonstrator, in which the above-described data fusion algorithms provided by WP4 can be demonstrated in real time
  • Installation of that site demonstrator onboard the above-mentioned test train
  • Collect of field data with the site demonstrator operating in commercial services, as well as in specific test runs scheduled to perform operational test cases
  • Analyse the performance of the offline generated data outputs of the CLUG LOC-OB as well as the data from the site demonstrator regarding performance, availability and safety.
  • Analysis of surrounding environment conditions, that may influence the performance.
WP6 Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Business Case
The main objective of this work package is to ensure that the project results and outputs are disseminated widely and effectively exploited by their target groups (including EUSPA). 
The business case activity will support the dissemination by proving the financial benefits of migrating ETCS toward this type of technology. 
The architecture trade-off analysis and system boundaries, as well as the TSI gap analysis are two additional activities which complement the activity of the WP and which will prepare for the future TSI update that will be performed in the frame of ERJU.